Design w/ Soul

Design comes to life when the soul is there

Michael Li's Design Blog


New Vision from Marissa Mayer of Yahoo

New Vision from Marissa Mayer of Yahoo

“We think about how do we take the Internet and order it for you,” Mayer said. Yahoo intends to be “a feed of information that is ordered, the Web is ordered for you and is also on your mobile phone.”… “There is a way that you can introduce advertising such that it’s not intrusive, it actually adds value to the end user, and it actually enhances the experience,” Mayer said. “And that’s what we need to work on.”

As I mentioned in my earlier post:

‘So to sum it up, if social network companies focuses more on knowing their users better , then providing valuable suggestions and helping user reduce the noise level, it will be a win-win to everybody. Users will have a higher quality of information flow, get ideas and suggestions that relevant to their needs and taste. Social network companies will make better use of their ‘raw social data’ and get more engaging subscribers (that willing to share more about themselves). And even advertises will have an easier time targeting their audience because of the better profiling from social networks.’

I believe Yahoo’s new CEO gets it, and better even she has the power to make it happen. It’s refreshing to see someone with an unique perspective, yet it’s always easier said than done, so it all boils down to how well Yahoo can executes its witty strategy. We’ll keep watching.

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The 'Porn-leaking' 'Apple Banning' Duo apps gets an update today

Forgive me, I was checking my iPhone app store and sew these two updates, just can’t help laughing……

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UI of Twitter's new 'Vine' app: Subtle Evolution

Recently Twitter released its new standalone short video sharing app ‘Vine’. It’s début isn’t without some controversies, but overall it’s a solid app with great potentials. All the dramas aside, I want to go ahead and do a bit of UI analysis on t...…

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