Design w/ Soul

Design comes to life when the soul is there

Michael Li's Design Blog


Kinect On Laptop?

The Verge today has a video showcasing Microsoft’s new progress in bringing Kinect to laptop/desktop as a new interaction model. 

This is … interesting, makes me feels like I’m playing my Xbox Kinect games. I can totally imagine using gestures to turn up volume or switch channel on my TV, but wait, aren’t we also going to use this on work and stuff? Which is not as fun as playing games on Kinect. Moving my arms around like this for hours just blows my mind, especially if I’ll have to stop my arm mid-air to do the needed accuracy adjustments… felt tired already. I think this will have the same ‘gorilla arm’ challenge as laptop with a touch screen

But wait, maybe there is a way out. Introducing … the ‘Hand Signs’ system!

hand signs

What do you think?

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New Path 3.0, New Path to Monetization

Path today announced Path 3.0, featuring a much-anticipated private message functionality and a pretty little in-app ‘Shop’.Also, Path’s CEO Dave Morin in an interview with The Next Web, revealed that a premium subscription service is coming. Path...…

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UICraft: Rethinking Touch Screen on Laptop

Recently Microsoft and Google all release their own laptop with a touch screen. People start to speculate that this is the next big thing in tech industry. As a big fan of product design, user interface and touch technology, this is a very intrigu...…

TouchscreenRead more