Design w/ Soul

Design comes to life when the soul is there

Michael Li's Design Blog


Long Time Coming : Netflix dump Microsoft's Silverlight for HTML5

Due to Microsoft Silverlight’s lack of support in the future, Netflix is moving their platform to HTML5.

Stick to an out-dated, poorly supported and proprietary plug-in isn’t the way to gain edge on competition.  Netflix has been making great progress on creating its own exclusive contents like House of Cards. They are right on their way to the goal of ‘becoming HBO sooner than HBO become us.’ This move away from Silverlight to the more mobile-friendly HTML5 shows that they haven’t forgotten their technical origin during the transition. 

I look forward to any UI/UX innovation they would bring to us with the introduction of HTML5. 

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People Are Walking Away from Theaters and It's OK

Image Source: mamadrama.comLess and less people go to theaters nowadays. Ticket price is hiking so do the gas price. More ‘long tail’ contents like PSY’s ‘Gungnam Style’ are pulling people’s attention here and there. What I observed is a role shif...…

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Thoughts On Recent Attack on Apple from China State-Run Newspaper

Recently, Apple got attacked by Chinese government owned media a lot. Here’s my perspectives:Firstly, Chinese consumers pretty much know the governmental media’s true color and that their claim against Apple is all lying or twisted. The recent sca...…

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